that role. >> and margaret, is part of the issue just that, you know, who donald trump is? he did come in as an outsider. he did, many republicans think, took a, a hostile takeover of the republican party. why the voters loved him. because he's not your average guy, which is, which has benefits in getting elected, certainly poses challenges in governing. >> part is who he is and part who the republican caucus is. and this russia sanctions bill as humiliating for the would us to swallow is a gift in a sense. at least for john kelly as he hits his effort at a reset button which is for the president and the team tom say, okay. we get it now. we get it. we understand we have to work with republicans. not against the republicans. or this is the kind of thing that's going to happen and on tax reform, now taken on paramount importance. it's entirely likely we'll talk about a tax cut, not a tax reform at this point. is now all the pressure is on this. >> and still very difficult to