still a problem that republicans and democrats should be able to come together and solve. marco rubio said during the campaign that in the next campaign it could be the republicans that are the target of the russian government or another government. let's resolve to get to the bottom of this and stop these effects to meddle in the democratic process. >> i agree with you that we should have the most robust defense possible against meddling in our government or free election process. >> but you are not admit whag the problem was. how can you say you support a solution? >> there is no -- there is no evidence that president trump had anything to do with -- >> that's not the point. it's not collusion. >> let's bring in something else. >> no, no, no. answer the question i just asked. why can't he admit, why can't you admit they tried to help him. collusion is a separate issue. >> it is evident that the russians endeavored to meddle in

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Problem ,Russia ,Government ,Campaign ,Democrats ,Lets Go To Mueller ,Centrist Republicans ,Resolve ,Target ,Marco Rubio ,Election ,Meddling ,Process ,Defense ,Whag The Problem ,Effects ,Bottom ,Point Of View ,Evidence ,President ,Collusion ,Anything ,Solution ,Question ,Issue ,Russians ,Something Else ,

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