realize that the russian government, the russian intelligence services, and the russian organized crime, those are cringes are very, very interrelated and very connected and so i think it's important that mueller be able to go through these things, because it establishes a lot of the priors of trump's behavior towards russia, russians, and putin. >> and jennifer was the one who said it. i have the statute in front of me. they can look into any matters that a arose or may arise directly from the investigation. jennifer, while aisle talking about -- i'm talking about you, the grand jury issuing subpoenas of witnesses, how do you read that, how does that change the investigation and what does it say about the stage they're in right now. >> well, i guess, brooke, two things. one thing i just want to correct something that was said earlier. this investigation did begin last july, which was well before the presidential election. so, it was not an investigation launched to somehow suggest that there was a direct impact on voting. i mean, this is sort of a