separate vacations, contemplating divorce. >> going home to places, again, some house members from say republican districts, going home, people saying, the president isn't getting things done. a lot of people blame the congress more than the president. the big and diverse states, 71%, not level headed. 63% bad leader. 63% doesn't share our values. 62% dishonest. wander the halls of capitol hill every day. no fear factor anymore about this president? >> definitely a urn itting point between relations between republicans on capitol hill and congress. now with the house guys in those conservatives districts, where trump is still very popular you don't get a fear factor just yet. covering the senate, senators represent entire states much more diverse populations you really see this act of defiance against the president in these past several days. first of all, the russia sanctions, major slap at the president. you have republican lawmakers drafting legislation on kind of,