that's really hair-raising stuff. but it's interesting that people who work close to nature, fishermen, farmers, ranchers, the biggest change in opinion has been among people who are outdoors on a regular basis. there's a new book that's called "farmer, rancher, fisherman," something like that, that makes this point. and you see it firsthand. now, when you come back to port -- where's your port? >> seattle, washington. >> okay. i was there yesterday and, of course, some of the oystermen are really having problems because of ocean acidification which is also connected to all that co 2 going in the oceans but when you come back to port, do you ever get into conversations whe you try to convince people about this who disagree with you? >> i've tried. you know, because i am on the show, i'm out there pretty visible. i'll have people come up to me, they'll be like, i saw all that