it's hard to understand this, but beijing is limited in north korea. >> it's also limited in a sense that it doesn't really want to change the status quo there is nothing in it for them. so why are they going to do the bidding of the united states? >> no, this is quite the point is the united states interests in north korea and chinese interests in north korea are not the same. so we shouldn't expect that beijing would want to act in a way that would benefit our interest, potentially damaging their own. >> we have this aset. from the u.s. senator dianne feinstein. she was talking about the threat posed by north korea after the latest missile launch. here is what she said. >> i make it as a clear and present danger to the united states. i spent time on the intelligence at the briefings and done as much reading as i possibly could. and i'm convinced that north korea has never moved at the speed that this leader has to develop an icbm. >> if the united states is