i want to you listen to something reince priebus said yesterday, to our wolf blitzer. >> i will say that steve is doing a great job. he is a brilliant guy. who only cares about the president's agenda. he thinks about it 24 hours a day. never quits. he's a great asset to this president. and so, and a dear friend. so my hat's off to steve bannon. >> chris, what does this shifting the sands mean potentially for bannon? >> i never thought i would describe steve bannon as not the most outsider of the group. this is a guy who ran breitbart news, this is a man who made his business name on being someone willing to throw grenades at the washington establishment. and yet he's sort of the gray beard of the group that's still there. i think reince's comments reflect the fact that he and bannon did have an alliance. in many ways against jared