came, most of us did. >> two other republicans senators, maine's susan collins, and alaska's lisa murkowski, they joined mccain, crossing party lines to vote against the repeal bill. so how did this go down behind the scenes and where do gop leaders go from here? let's go live to phil mattingly, still on the capitol hill -- still at the capitol for us this morning on capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. look, as you note, seven years of campaign promises all came down to one man. it was senator john mccain. it was hours of behind-the-scenes al qaedaing. mitch mcconnell, vice president mike pence, and at one moment, even the president putting a call in to senator mccain trying to sway his vote. guys, it didn't work. becoming the third republican to vote no, essentially sinking the repeal effort entirely. again, we've talked about this throughout the last couple of weeks, how the process has gone