extraordinary reporting experience i have ever been a part of. >> that says a lot, because you've had some extraordinary reporting experiences in your career. >> i have never experienced anything like this. by the way, that's not a criticism. it's unusual on a number of levels. and the access that we've had this morning into what's going on i've never seen before in something that wasn't an investigation that didn't happen after the fact. this is happening right now. >> i think it's an extraordinary viewing experience as well for our viewers, so let's talk about all of it with our panel. we have cnn political director david challan, david drucker, julia pace. david, you watched it unfold along with us in realtime. what do you make of what anthony scaramucci is focused on and talking about? >> well, there were so many things there to unpack. i do think at its core when you heard anthony scaramucci tell you, chris, that he believes