time before starting those therapies to let him recover completely from the operation. the incision, which is in the eyebrow on the left, you have to let that incision heal. probably a few weeks from now. in the interim, you have heard, kate, you have been saying, he's been up and about. he's firy on twitter. he's been making lot of calls. he had a quick recovery after the operation. >> we can only wish he continues to recover and get back to work, what he loves. thank you for laying it out. i appreciate it. this morning, senator lindsey graham says his long-time friend is trying to figure out the next steps, that includes when mccain could return to work in washington. itis moments like these that remind us how many close friend this is one man, this senator has on both sides of the aisle on capitol hill. you remember, of course, this moment about friendship during a