limits with a child that was born, with -- i let you talk. i'm going to talk now. >> okay. >> they are now not having to run up against lifetime with a child. child did nothing wrong, didn't make bad choices. they were born with a problem. they are running out of a lifetime limit in the first year. those people have to make incredible choices. the choices they make still do not save their lives. there were more people caught up in that before the aca, 30 million more people caught up in that. before the aca than there are now. i am not in any way saying what you are accusing me of saying which is that the democrats wrote a bill that made -- it actually prevented more people from dying. >> governor kasich was saying he actually believes there is a possibility of the bipartisan ship here. is that a fantasy? >> not when the president is threatening to stop funding cost sharing subsidies, which by the way, expire this thursday for next month. that would be about $10 billion and could see premiums go up