carringtons who live here in luxury on "the dynasty" sound stage are not the only rich folk on tv. in the last five years more than half of all new shows have featured the wealthy. ten years ago that figure was zero. >> it was an accident. your father is dead. >>. >> falgon crest was a wine family. there's lorenzo llamas, and there's ronald reagan's first wife who is on that show. >> emma is pregnant. >> i know a doctor who can take care of it right away. >> that will never happen. >> all of those shows were, oh, my god, what's next? what's going to happen with that? he can't get away with that, and then you tune in. it was appointment television. >> what would become of the missing twins on "knotts landing?" >> what? they all had a spin-off. knotts landing. the colby's was a spin-off for dynasty. they were seeing how much they could max this stuff out because it was really successful. >> where is your son, miles? isn't he going to be a part of this venture, or is he just