what astonishings me, though, anderson, is given the fact that there's been so much focus on the russian investigation, how is it that the president hasn't had a conversation with his own son about his involvement at this stage in the campaign? i mean, it's just -- it defies belief. >> the white house is saying that the president had no knowledge of this. >> the son would have called the father up and said, the russian government would like to meet with me. is it okay to do that? i mean, i can't believe that that kind of contact wouldn't have occur. >> i want to bring in john, former white house counsel to nixon during watergate. john, do you think it's possible at some point the president wasn't informed about this by his own son? if his son has just been informed that the russian government wants donald trump to win as president of the united states, i mean, it's possible, i suppose, that his son would not tell his father that, but that seems like pretty big information.