include a biggest u.s. footprint right on china's doorstep. china is sticking to that line. whether now we know it's an icbm, the picture changes, the equation change, and china becomes more assertive and is prepared to push further. we'll wait and see. hopefully we'll get a steer from the ministry of foreign affairs in beijing in about 30 or 40 minutes from now. >> andrew in hong kong, kaori in tokyo, paula in seoul. thank you very much indeed. we're going to go now to nick rob nick robertston. as world leaders gather in germany. nick, do you think we're more likely to get a meeting of minds on what to do about north korea? >> you know, i think it's hard to see a meeting of minds in the g20 because on so many issues, there are so many differences between so many of the protagonists. and some of them in here talking about president trump, you know,