conservatives will say it shows exactly what they're trying to do. if you reduce mandates like essential health benefits, affordable care act requires premium numbers start to drop. deductibles will be very high according to the cbo and there is a real concern lower income americans and americans just under the age of eligibility for medicare will face increased premiums, essentially price themselves out of the market. that is a real concern there. that is a concern republicans were trying to address in how they shifted the structure of their tax credit. the idea according to the cbo that did not exactly accomplish the goals they were [ inaudible ]. at least on the top line, on the premium numbers this is something you'll hear repeatedly from republican officials. this is something they focused on, they believe they accomplished this goal. there is more to it than the top line number but that is something to pay attention to going forward. for conservatives many who. been wary, wolf, you know quite well, getting on board with this bill, premiums are the ball game. premiums are what they care about if they can show this bill will reduce premiums on average that is positive news for