major concern when it comes to every single state. so this is -- defending the voting systems is one of the things that a state is responsible for. i know this is a top priority for secretaries of state across the country. >> have you ever heard the president talk about this? >> you know, i don't listen to everything or haven't read everything the president may or may not have said on this particular topic. i do know, i also sit on the homeland security committee, and this is a topic of discussion amongst us. there's been hearings on this. so when you look at across the federal government, there are a number of entities that are focused on this issue. >> the deadline your committee set for the comey memos to be handed over was today. can you say if your committee has received those memos? dpl t >> the day isn't over, and i haven't gotten an update. today is when we were expected to have some of those resources. >> if they aren't turned over, what is the next step for your committee to obtain them?