their disproportionately rural. obamacare helps rural people more than suburbanites. the vast plurality of the people on medicare are white. twice as many as african-american or latino. so we're seeing a washington game that's going to cause enormous damage to real people. and if the democrats have their act together, and i think they will, they will tell those stories, and i don't think we had a test run of it in georgia at all. i don't think the democrats did a good job there of putting this god-awful health care bill on trial. >> jen psaki, you know, paul begala says he thinks they will. democrats will get their act together. do they have their act together? >> not yet. but i think paul made a really important point about health care. while it wasn't a major issue in georgia six, it should have been. 81% of voters in that district said that was one of the most important issues they cared about. so as democrats look back to