how do they -- how would you say is the best way for them to channel this energy and emotion that they're feeling? >> i think the biggest thing is to wait and let's find out the facts. if you look at social media right now, they are telling everybody what happened. they are making conclusions. they may be right, they may be wrong in the long run. but it is certainly genning up fear. it's irresponsible. but that's what twitter is about. you even have people on the right in the u.k. like tommy robertson, a horrible guy on the right out there, literally blaming muslims for this attack, saying this is sort of what they get. you see this back and forth. i'm sure in america, you see people in the media, on twitter, you're going to see some scary words. i'll be honest with you. the muslim community in the u.k. after the manchester attack, very publicly made it clear they denounce terrorism. did whatever they could to stand unified with their fellow u.k.