he didn't say anything. >> that's not the sound i was looking for. let's talk about this one. this goes back to the other issue of the at some point jim comey saying he told the attorney general you can't leave me alone with the president of the united states, that's improper and wrong. then comey says jeff sessions looks like whamt am i going to do. >> the fbi and the justice department should maintain the proper amount of communication and contact. they're directly in conflict on that. >> but how does he explain that? i mean, saying that they should follow the protocols and then doing nothing about it is the same as doing and saying nothing. so i think we need more information about what happened next. what did jeff sessions do as a result of being confronted with this problem by james comey? did he go to the president? did he go to the white house counsel and say hey, we need to establish a protocol to fix this level of contact?