of politics, it's the smear campaign now. you know, with this administration, if they don't like you, they will let you know, and let the public know. they are not afraid of playing the partisan game. you know, if you are considered a democrat, or there's a thought that you're a democrat, that is an ugly word. it's a pejorative now. if they don't like you for something that you're doing, they will go after you. the talking points, we've heard it today, against mueller. the issue is, again, the politics of politics are gone. it is a smear campaign now. >> we also know that the president has been angry at the attorney general jeff sessions for recusing himself from the russia investigation. listen to what the attorney general said today during a cabinet meeting, this praise-a-thon. >> we are receiving, as you know, i'm not sure the rest of you fully understand, the support, with law enforcement