investigation of trump's contact with the russians. troop says the ambassador met with someone. what's the they do. he said secret deals are plain his tieria and quote how should we stop that? take a pim or something? brian todd, cnn, washington. >> brian todd at the u.s. embassy. claire, good to have you at this hour in moscow t. russian president is take a certainly more vocal approach, even suggesting as we we heard if brian's peace there, there may have been patriotic russians behind hacking but not the government. explain this change of tone. >> reporter: right. yes. it's fascinating. you and i had multiple discussions over the past weeks and months, since then he has been able to bring various different ways of saying no comment from the kremlin. just as you say, a much more vocal perhaps defensive kremlin. you know, i think the question is why now, really? one kremlin, that perhaps it's because the kremlin feels the