very small margins. and that in and of itself they believe will be a victory, a signal, to the national democrats from montana, don. >> so, kyung, as i understand, you have spoken to voters on the street there. one person even shouted something at you. can you tell us about that? >> reporter: you know, the people we were talking to were going to the polls to vote. we wanted to go someplace where a lot of republicans were gathering, just to see if the audio may have affected their vote and we actually ran into quite a few people that as soon as we said we were cnn, they had a very strong reaction. a couple of them repeating what president trump has said that we're fake news. we immediately correct them say, huh-uh, that's not the case. still, they were ready and they were constantly talking about it. then a man who was walking in to vote, ironically into a church that was being used as a polling pla place, and i actually tweeted about it, he said, you're lucky someone doesn't pop one of you. and i was really confused.