if he assaulted this young man, he should be charged. >> paris, what do you think? >> you made a good point, the question you asked is why is this happening right now? there's a hilarious movie called "the election" in where the candidate is doing crazy -- saying crazy things, doing crazy things. >> you don't think it's because of guy who's in office now has said horrible things about reporters and said reporters are the enemy of the american people? >> no, don. >> that has nothing to do with anything? that people feel they can get away with it? because i don't believe that you actually believe that. there's no way you can't -- there's no way you believe what you're saying if you don't think that's true. >> oh, he believes it. >> well, actually i didn't get a chance to say anything but i will tell you now what i think. that is that what we have right now is a ground swelling of people who are not being respectful, who are not acting civil and people who are just saying things -- >> why do you think that is? after a country that is, you know, hundreds of years old, where we don't have incidents like this for the most part, and all of a sudden we're having incidents like this now. you don't think -- you think