worried that that combined with robust online recruitment might end up in an attack like this happening in the united states. >> which raises the question do you believe american counterterrorism officials are prepared for similar attacks here in the united states outside that security perimeter, let's say, in a stadium or in some sort of a concert? >> well, i think we have to be hon est with ourselves when all it takes is one deranged individual with a bomb strapped to their body to create so much destruction. we can never be 100% proteced as a country, and -- and, you know, we do need to remember here in the united states that there have only been on average a couple of people a year who are killed in terrorist attacks. are you much more likely in this country over the last ten years to have been killed by a falling object than you are by terrorism, so i think we want to right size the threat here in the united states, well recognizing that we all need to