countries to reform in their own way, in their own time with a mix of carrots and pressure and sticks. >> josh, we're watching this plane taxi here. i want to bring in sara murray quickly, in jerusalem for us following the president's trip from the perspective of the white house. sara, good morning again. we're waiting for the plane to get up to the stairs and the deplaning and the ceremony. everything's ready to go here. josh was talking about deliverables. from the white house perspective, what are the deliverables from this leg of the trip that they would like to bring home? >> reporter: look, we know the president's broad goal, which is a sweeping mideast peace agreement. i don't think anyone's expecting he's going to show up here for two days and meet with the israeli and palestinian leaders and all of a sudden everyone is going to agree. i think we saw israel make some moves today. they're basically both israeli prime minister benjamin