president and for congress to show that they're working on it, they're working back and forth with each other, from what i understand, the tuesday group, and the freedom caucus, which will be the moderates and the assumer conservatives have been hammering out on the initiatives that kept them from coming together. if i were all three of them, i would just put my head down and keep working, you can't get the tax reform without the health care. >> here's the thing, alice, you heard what david said. they should -- now, there are bigger things that they should be doing, keeping the lights on. selena is saying, talking about the false deadline as well. this false red line. if we can put this quote up from politico. the multiple white house gop insiders say the white house doesn't understand how congress work. just because trump officials say there will be a vote next week doesn't make it so. it goes on to say that.