she couldn't eat, she couldn't sleep. this is very hard on women. and that's why i'm doing all of this at no charge. these two women are not asking for a penny, they're doing it because this is about accountability, enough is enough, stop hurting women, stop damaging women's career, stop inthreatening women that if they don't sleep with you that you'll end their career. >> this is obviously something the board is considering, what would it say about fox news, about the culture there? >> it would say one thing that o'reilly has tremendous lawyers, he's got lawyers lined up with him tonight who are saying there's a left wing smear campaign happening trying to tear him down, those people would be fighting with fox to remove him. there's this contract, this legal language, fox believes it can if it wants to remove o'reilly right away.

Related Keywords

Wall ,Women ,Accountability ,Penny ,Charge ,She Couldnt Sleep ,She Couldnt Eat ,Two ,Career ,Inthreatening ,Billo Reilly ,Something ,Thing ,20th Century Fox ,Lawyers ,Smear Campaign ,Wing ,Board ,Culture ,One ,People ,Contract ,Fighting ,Language ,

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