tax reform is even harder. jake? >> all right. jeff zeleny for us at kenosha, wisconsin, at the site of the president's speech. thanks so much. ijoined my senator joe manchin, democrat of west virginia. senator, thanks so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me, jake. >> senator, bottom lines, as you know, when it comes to buy american provisions, american products and american employees tend to cost more than foreign products and foreign employees so while it's great for the manufacturers and employees, it might be worse for consumers and employers. at the end of the day, will a buy american provision, if it were broader than this executive order which is fairly narrow, would it help your constituents more or hurt your constituents more? >> well, i think any time we can create jocks in america it helps us all. west virginia has taken a tremendous hit, jake, on a lot of manufacturing jobs that left starting with nafta and on down the line, so anything that we