anthony, for somebody who is a supporter of the white house, donald trump very effectively talked about draining the swamp. isn't figuring out who is visiting the swamp part of that? >> el, i see it a little differently. i think what the president is trying to say even with his north korea policy is that he wants to be less predictable. he doesn't want to signal too many different things. i think if you are going to be a deal cutter which the president obviously is, he wants to bring in many different faces and many different voices into the white house. i think one of the big risks he has is let's say he brings in a staunch democratic to help him cut a healthcare deal or with tax reform. he doesn't want egg on the face of that democrat because of the extreme partisanship going on in washington. i think it's a combination of different things. my guess is they are going to be more transparent than they are saying right now. as he is trying to cut deals and try to get his legislative agenda in place, he wants to