guarantee of job security. when that boss, president of the united states, says, "i like steve but" it could be time to dust off your resume. let's get right to cnn's sara murray at the white house for us live this evening. sara, good evening to you. president trump is doing a 180 today on several key foreign policy positions on the u.s. relationship with russia, on syria, on nato, on china's currency. what's with all the u-turns here? >> reporter: there were a lot of changes. he was going to label china a currency manipulator on day one, now he is not so keen to do that. nato was obsolete when donald trump was a candidate. now that he is a president, less than 100 days into his presidency, nato is not so obsolete. today, jim acosta, our colleague, of course, here at cnn, caught up with sean spicer and spicer basically said circumstances changed. things have changed now that donald trump is president, but don, what you can bet is things change once you have the perspective of being in this white house, of being in this west wing, and donald trump is

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