and the results. we can demand a thorough investigation. we probably will not know for sure until that time occurs. >> one quick question before i let you go, congressman. a different subject. the fallout from the failure of the repeal and replace health care bill. the president calling out your group, the freedom caucus. he tweeted and said the freedom caucus will hurt the entire republican agenda if they don't get on the team and fast. we must fight them and dems in 2018. i want you to respond to the president. you're a member of that freedom caucus. you were i believe ready to vote no against that legislation, but go ahead and respond. do you see this as a threat from the president against members of the freedom caucus like you? >> well, if you've read the art of the deal, you looked at president donald trump's history, this is a part of his method of operation. i'm not overrule concerned about