street to find another plot of land to build a building on. >> they walked away from him. >> trump was dying to sign a bill, any bill. he was not aware of any of the actual policy. >> it was the speaker who convinced him -- >> we don't want -- >> this is them saying this is bill or not repealing and replacing. it's a bad messaging strategy. so when they said fine, that's it, then, we're going to walk away or we're going to help it collapse and democrats will have to work with us, they got a bad response. this is like the one thing we voted -- we elected you to do. you can't move on. >> so it's a number one priority. it has been the signature promise they have made. they also want to get to tax reform. in this moment of dysfunction and distrust, how will it play on capitol hill when tax reform comes up and the white house secretary says this? >> obviously we're driving the train on this.