he's absolutely weakened. that's why he's probably got a 51% chance of getting it through. >> what's the best place for democrats in all of this? a lot of them are saying, steny hoyer said last night, we're just sitting back and watching this play out. should they sit back, eat popcorn, watch their twitter feeds? or should there be more here that democrats are doing to leverage their advantage as much as they can? >> well, right now the democrats, when you're talking about the house, there's no more of a powerless position in washington, dc than to be in the minority in the house. at least if you're in the might not in the senate, you can filibuster. you don't even have that. there's not that much the democrats can do in the house except to continue to point out basic facts. here is a basic fact. planned parenthood remains one of the most popular organizations, one of the most beloved organizations in the united states, despite this relentless media offensive against them by conservatives. the majority of republicans actually, when you poll them, have good feelings about planned