bill. maybe we'll have to swallow hard to pass this thing. ryan, he submitted a bill he thought would be compliant with senate rules, but he's asking them to cast their hardest vote in advance without any evidence that a better bill couldn't come from the senate. that's what i think the house could have done, pass a good bill from the knous, let the senate parliamentian do her will, let them filibuster, three months from now, this could go to september 30th under the first reconciliation. you know, we couldn't quite get what we wanted we have to swallow hard and pass this bill. >> also we were discussing senate minutiae right now. they're trying to do this so it only requires 51 senate votes and they don't have to worry about getting any democrats. once again, i remember saying this back in 2009, 2010, why not try to appeal to get other parties -- the other party on board and republicans then, democrats now don't want any part of it. >> in the end, to get the affordable care act through, they did have to use the reconciliation process. but that was their last resort,