>> what does there say about the credibility that perhaps the president is giving to some people who are disseminating information that doesn't really check out? >> the president has never been one to really be aligned closely to the facts. he doesn't have a very close relationship with that. so you know, he tends to go with what he thinks serves his interests best. and in this case, you know, he's looking for some way to get out of this box he put himself in with this, you know, charge that has no credibility, no base to it. so he's now seeing, well, maybe this fox story could help me out. we'll have -- we'll have sean spicer float that one. and maybe that will give me some wiggle room. i think he's looking for wiggle room at this point. he doesn't have to come out and apologize, which he'll never do anyway. there may be calls for him to apologize for being wrong and calling obama a sick guy. i think now he wants wiggle room. and maybe any of these little strands he's going to grab for. >> bill carter, thank you very much for you and your team bringing us that information and