question by senator tom leahy, about any contacts with the russian ambassador. for those of you watching at home the question should be why are so many people who are so close to donald trump having these conversations with the russian ambassador? and you can have a conversation with the russian ambassador, but why lie about it? and this was his national security adviser and the top cop right now, attorney general sessions. and also let's not forget that the four tweets came out to deflect right after the jeff sessions scandal happened where he recused himself of having any participation investigation into these possible russia ties. so i want people to keep their eye on the ball here. these russia ties maybe something is not going to amount to anything, we should keep our eye on it and donald trump likes to pivot away whenever the magnifying glass goes on russia and the aides in his campaign's possible connections to russia and conversation with the russian ambassador. >> that was part of what resulted in this tweet, was a