hearings. it wasn't just a few weeks as this legislation you're attempting to pass within a few weeks. let me point out, congressman, a bunch of republicans in the house are now saying either from the right, the conservatives don't like it or moderates like a colleague from florida are saying they can't vote this. do you have -- are you sure you will have the 216 votes needed to simply get it out of the house and move it to the senate? >> i think we will. again, you know, you never know until the day of the vote quite frankly. you usually grow a vote over the course of the debate. remember, while this legislation has gone through relatively rapid process this congress, it's not as if these ideas haven't been out there for a long time and we haven't moved legislation all of the way in some cases to president obama's desk. so, again, these ideas have been kicked around. they've been in various legislative form. we're not starting in the way that frankly the obama