impressed. >> i know that this is on your long list of concerns about this white house. what is at the top of your list, richard? >> well, part of the problem is at the top. that the president says that the rules don't apply to him. and the president can't have a conflict of interest. which is absolutely false. the president, of course, can have a conflict of interest. but if he says that and that he's going to keep his businesses despite the conflicts of interest. and the payments from foreign governments that violate the emolument clause of the constitution. and he's going to be tweeting out accusations about his predecessor without any evidence whatsoever. i mean, if he's going to conduct himself this way, the staff looks at that and says, well, i guess we can do anything we want. then the white house ethics lawyer jump in and said, actually, maybe you can, none of the rules apply to you. this is an awful situation. >> i'm out of time, richard. thank you so much, i appreciate you joining us.