president obama and these ugly insults and the baseless accusations, that matters. but let's take the travel ban all by itself. it's been a month since this thing that needed to be passed urgency because of the imminent threat, that's what we were sold by the white house, first came out. what does the month mean in terms of its political future? >> not only the month that it's been, but now if, indeed, kellyanne conway is correct and it doesn't take effect until march 16, that's kpektly opposed to how they rolled this out initially. granted the rollout didn't go so well for them. if indeed the delay was to produce something that is going to have a much sturdier chance standing up in court, then kudos to the team. but it does completely undercut the justification that they said of why it needed to be rushed at the beginning of the administration. >> david, is there a chance that the delay itself will trip them up in court? >> i guess there is a chance that if indeed it doesn't go into effect, it's taken to the courts, perhaps it doesn't ever