>> doesn't really make sense. because of that, it's rife with comedy. >> it takes courage to go on a date. for both sides. two very different kinds of courage. male courage, speaking traditionally, he decided to ask. went up to a random woman, no idea if she likes him or not, walk up, terrified. everything in your body saying go home, [ bleep ] off, don't do this. >> hilarious subject because it's awkward and makes you feel great or makes you feel terrible. >> are you breaking up with me? >> you know, i can't believe i even thought of getting back together with you. we are so over. >> fine by me. >> if i had a terrible breakup, i would just wail about the breakup and because it was so real and honest, it relates to people. >> it's actually really comforting to realize that something that's truly troubling in your life could be great fodder for comedy. >> those were the days when people knew how to be in love.