place between the white house and congress. we'll handle it the right way and make sure that priorities of the epa are protected as we go forward. >> the epa grants, the states, will they continue as is or will they be drastically cut? >> we're actually advancing an agenda with congress that the water infrastructure grants actually continue and are strengthened. those superfund sites across the country that need to be cleaned up from portland, oregon, to butte, montana, need to be a focus of how we spend money to improve the environment. so that's going to be a continued discussion as we go through the budget process. >> if that's 50% of the budget, where will the cuts come from if they want to eliminate 25% of the epa budget? >> i think, wolf, what we need to realize is this is the beginning of the process, not the end of the process. and so that process will continue. these priorities that i've talked about will be a focus of how we conduct ourselves at the epa. >> you're the administrator. what would you recommend? >> as i've indicated, thoue gras that goes to the states across the country are key to making