advised this campaign said at this point you have to take a look at entitlements. a lot of people who look at budgets say eventually you have to talk about entitlements. the president doesn't want to do that, he doesn't want to touch medicare, social security, and medicaid. the federal budget is $3.9 trillion in spending. so it's big. the top quarter of it, that's medicare and medicaid, those health programs. then social security. the president says all of that, those first two categories, he will not touch. that leaves the rest. military, he has promised one of the greatest military buildups in american history. he'll focus more money on shipbuilding, military aircraft, the choke points, the strait of hormuz, that's more spending on top of the $600 billion a year we already spend on that. then you have interest, you can't cut that. the safety net, there's some money there. food stamps, maybe school lunch programs. you'll have to get congress to go along with that as well. but if you don't touch those entitlements, that means every other mathematic choice you make is that much more critical and