was there a relationship? are there neighbors? is there history, beef? putting that to the side, you're in an altercation and someone of size comes running out of nowhere and takes you onto the ground, it is very easy, police officer or not, for your mind to go to a very bad place very quickly. so we're going to have to hear the facts as they develop. but i get how somebody can feel threatened in a situation like that, that kid hit him and took him down. people will see both sides. that's why there has to be an investigation. >> we'll follow that story and chris we'll be back with you momentarily. there are eight democrats vying to lead the democratic party. chris moderated the debate last night in at any time. he's going to talk to the mayor of south bend, indiana. how did he think he did last night? i masterpassed it. masterpass, the secure way to pay from your bank