the stand-up comedy clubs. >> do you know that people have donor cards on their driver's license. that if they have an accident, they'll leave parts of their body to someone. who would want to receive the eyes that didn't see the car in the first place. >> elaine was a game changer, because before her, there hadn't been a young, single, female comic who went out on stage with no apologies for who she was and just kind of told it like it is. >> i guess maybe breasts are the most important part of the body when you think about it. i mean, without them, employers just wouldn't know who to giv the smaller paychecks to, so -- >> i came along in '73 and started to reflect the times i lived in. women were starting to work. the pill was here. single women were starting to have sex. you weren't labeled anymore. >> they think we're dumb, so they put too many directions on the products. like the home pregnancy test, it says, for use in the privacy of your own home. oh, good wif, i was going to dr