administration's relationship with the family's businesses. press secretary sean spicer says one of the president's top advisers, kellyanne conway, has been counseled after making a sales pitch during a live tv interview. >> go buy ivanka's stuff is what i would tell you. i hate shopping, and i'm going to go get some myself today. it's a wonderful line. i own some of it. i'm going to give a free commercial. go buy it, everybody. you can find it online. >> politicians on both sides of the aisle are now calling for an investigation into her comments with one prominent lawmaker say they appear to be a textbook violation. meanwhile, conway says she has full support of the president. >> so you spoke about that matter, and he is not -- doesn't have any intention to suspend you? >> we spoke about it a range of matters and he supports me 100%. it was a very heartening moment, in fact. >> now, just one day earlier,