file. >> islam is not a religion of peace. islam is a religion of submission. >> reporter: bannon's called breitbart a platform for the alt-right, a far right political movement which often champions white nationalist and anti-semitic views. bannon denies being anti-schmittic and a white nationalist. but he isn't afraid to take on his own party. >> what we need to do is bitch slap the republican party. >> reporter: bannon has loyal defenders. >> steve bannon is a national hero. we're going to see supreme court appointments of individuals who will uphold the constitution, and for that america owes steve bannon a great debt of gratitude. >> and he he understands and fights for the working class americans out there who haven't had their voices heard. >> reporter: kurt bordella quit his job at breitbart and is now critical of bannon. he calls bannon diligent, intelligent and intimidating. >> his governing style is very much that of force. and i think a lot of what you saw in how trump reacted to controversy or criticism is very reflective of steve's style, which is all about confrontation, being a