yates is doing the right thing. >> i think that's right. the justice department even though it's part of the executive branch there's a strong tradition of independence and of taking seriously their obligation to uphold the constitution, first and foremost. i think that's what you're seeing today in sally yates' decision. i suspect she has a lot of support in the rank and file which is only going to complicate matters for president trump if he decides that before jeff sessions is confirmed, he fires her. >> laura coats is still with us. you were a former u.s. assistant attorney, and in the civil rights decision. you know a lot of these officials. how do you think they're going to react to the extraordinary news we're covering right now? >> i think they're extraordinarily relieved. they have some direction and guidance at how not to proceed. and most were scrambling friday and saturday at the airports and the other places trying to figure out what their role