change. >> isn't it true that every transaction that's been referred to were available for the public to find in the records of the senate ethics committee and the house ethics committee? >> absolutely, and they remain so today. >> these were not things hidden, they're facts we require you to disclose every year? >> in fact there isn't a single bit of information out here that i didn't reveal to the public in the transparent process. >> isn't it true that transparency is the antiseptic that creates the environment where there is no corruption? >> sunshine cures disease, that's exactly right. >> isn't it correct that you've worked throughout your career in the georgia senate, united states congress, and as secretary of hhs, to be sure there's always transparency? >> absolutely. it's a hallmark and a key, especially in the area of health care and the services that hhs provides. >> is it not true you love your country, you love your job, and you'll do everything you can to disclose everything possible so there's never an appearance of any conflict of interest whatsoever? >> without a doubt. that's why i mentioned the office of government ethics and the work, the diligence that