beans, and chickpeas, cubes of red and green jell-o, young white coconut, shaved ice and, is that flan? it makes no goddamn sense at all. i love it. >> roy choi: part of every pinoy filipino's life, halo halo. >> anthony: nutsy, man. i got to take a picture of that. it's oddly beautiful. all right. >> roy choi: all right. >> anthony: you know i'm getting a bite of that little -- what is, what is it? >> roy choi: it's a little big bite. >> anthony: little big bite. >> roy choi: favorite thing in the world. >> anthony: no, don't say that. [ laughter ] that's actually -- i like that. >> roy choi: it's good, right? >> anthony: aloha. i mean, it just sounds magical. is there, like, pineapple in there or something? yes. hence the "aloha." that's a very tasty burger. nice char. >> roy choi: asian fast food. it's fast food, but it's made by like it was just a single family owned restaurant. >> anthony: what family made this? >> roy choi: yeah, maybe -- [ laughter ] maybe, maybe not your family. >> anthony: the jetsons. you know? >> roy choi: yeah, maybe not yours. you like it?