oversight. it's something that's been debated since 2008, since the oce came into effect. if it's ever going to be changed, it has to be done in transparent fashion and with bipartisan support. those are my concerns, i'm glad we took it out. we'll address our other issues which, of course, is health care, tax reform and border security. >> do you think the jop will find it within themselves to work with the democrats to find a way to improve the aca. i had saxby chambliss on earlier. i know you have for respect for him in the senate. he said it only happens if you get democrats and republicans on board. you can't do it unilaterally. >> no one party has a monopoly on good ideas. we have to work together on this. the american people have spoken. they didn't elect us because we are republicans. they wanted to see a leader, see results, see change. if we're going to fix the affordable care act, we have to reach across the aisle. no question about that. we have to lead with a plan.

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